Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wine and peace

Yes…..long day so I treated myself to a nice glass of wine!  
I attended a dear high school friend’s mother’s funeral today.  
It was a beautiful Mass and oddly enough it was in the church that I married my sweet husband nearly 28 years ago! 
 A couple more of our high school friends attended as well so that was really cool!  I went to a private school so we are a close knit graduating class that keep in touch….love that!  
I came home and jumped right on the torch.  Blowing glass gives me such peace and relaxes me more than anything else I do! 
Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Pamela, I totally understand how your craft brings you peace. My bead weaving, jewelry, crochet & knitting relax me like nothing else can. I'm glad you had a good ending to a day unfortunately marked for a sad occasion, but how lovely of you to mention all of the positive, happy parts that were special to you, too. Have a wonderful day! :)
