Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainy Days

Poor Luna….we had a deluge of rain last weekend and she could not stand being inside! 
 She sat at the back door of my studio just staring out at the lake patiently waiting for the rain to stop.  
It was a good steady rain that just seemed to go on and on.  No complaints from me though… flowers are loving every minute of it.  We are hitting 90 degrees this week so it looks like summer is slowly getting its grip on us.  
We had a nice long, cool spring so I very thankful for that!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wine and peace

Yes…..long day so I treated myself to a nice glass of wine!  
I attended a dear high school friend’s mother’s funeral today.  
It was a beautiful Mass and oddly enough it was in the church that I married my sweet husband nearly 28 years ago! 
 A couple more of our high school friends attended as well so that was really cool!  I went to a private school so we are a close knit graduating class that keep in touch….love that!  
I came home and jumped right on the torch.  Blowing glass gives me such peace and relaxes me more than anything else I do! 
Happy Tuesday!